2018 BC Junior Open
Recent Results
Evergreen is located at 315 Klahanie Court, West Vancouver.
Tournament Hotel - Comfort Inn. Please call North Vancouver Comfort Inn at 604-988-3181 for tournament rate.
First matches will be at Evergreen at 5:00pm on Friday.
Includes Friday night meal, Saturday lunch & snacks plus lots of great draw prizes!
Food will be for all athletes but only at Evergreen(no food at Hollyburn) throughout the weekend.
Parking is beside the club or in the gravel pit beside the rugby fields.
Parking for Hollyburn is on the bottom level of the parking garage.
1) PARKING: available in the lower guest parking lot near the outdoor tennis courts
2) SIGN IN: Pease sign in at Member Services each time you enter the club
3) CHANGEROOMS: Junior/Pool change rooms are available for players.
4) BISTRO: Food and drink may be purchased in the Bistro (located on lower level near sports entrance)
5) NO FOOD in the squash Centre. Beverages/Smoothies are okay.
6) COFFEE/TEA + BEER/WINE: parents may purchase from the Bar & Grill (located near front entrance)
* Friday nights at Hollyburn are always very busy. Please make sure to arrive early to find parking and access the club.
For questions or further information please contact Thomas Brinkman at squashpro@evergreensquash.com
Tournament Hotel - Comfort Inn. Please call North Vancouver Comfort Inn at 604-988-3181 for tournament rate.
First matches will be at Evergreen at 5:00pm on Friday.
Includes Friday night meal, Saturday lunch & snacks plus lots of great draw prizes!
Food will be for all athletes but only at Evergreen(no food at Hollyburn) throughout the weekend.
Parking is beside the club or in the gravel pit beside the rugby fields.
Parking for Hollyburn is on the bottom level of the parking garage.
1) PARKING: available in the lower guest parking lot near the outdoor tennis courts
2) SIGN IN: Pease sign in at Member Services each time you enter the club
3) CHANGEROOMS: Junior/Pool change rooms are available for players.
4) BISTRO: Food and drink may be purchased in the Bistro (located on lower level near sports entrance)
5) NO FOOD in the squash Centre. Beverages/Smoothies are okay.
6) COFFEE/TEA + BEER/WINE: parents may purchase from the Bar & Grill (located near front entrance)
* Friday nights at Hollyburn are always very busy. Please make sure to arrive early to find parking and access the club.
For questions or further information please contact Thomas Brinkman at squashpro@evergreensquash.com
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Where & When
Fri, Oct 26th 2018
Sun, Oct 28th 2018
Wed, Oct 17th 2018 11:45pm
Evergreen Squash Club
315 Klahanie CourtWest Vancouver, British Columbia
Hollyburn Country Club
950 Cross Creek RoadWest Vancouver, British Columbia V7S 2S5
Sanctioned Event
Tournament Officials
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