Men (ACT)
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Rank Name Club Points Confidence
1 Thomas Calvert WSC 1,788 73%
2 Howie Johns WSC 1,758 0%
3 Jason Chen DSC 1,610 0%
4 Spencer Walden WSC 1,554 50%
5 Graham Mackay WSC 1,539 63%
6 Corey Markham UCF 1,483 74%
7 Josh Markham UCF 1,454 79%
8 Graeme Cumming WSC 1,430 71%
9 Scott Reid WSC 1,407 67%
10 Paul Cartwright DSC 1,399 0%
11 Mark Ciesniewski DSC 1,379 0%
12 Harrison Barnett WSC 1,378 63%
13 Ben Phillips WSC 1,368 72%
14 Craig Marriott WSC 1,364 57%
15 Russ Hyde WSC 1,361 0%
16 Bogart Lamprey WSC 1,337 71%
17 Joseph Cooke UCF 1,332 74%
18 Lachlan Whyborn WSC 1,327 73%
19 Alexander Howard WSC 1,307 68%
20 Brendan Cara WSC 1,291 68%
21 Andrew James WSC 1,290 0%
22 Scott Lilley WSC 1,189 72%
23 Paul Johns WSC 1,185 73%
24 Blayne Thompson WSC 1,140 67%
25 Corey Baker WSC 1,139 74%
26 Joseph Howard WSC 1,123 0%
27 Alex Kopczynski DSC 1,115 0%
28 Jonathon Thorpe WSC 1,110 0%
29 Jon Freeman WSC 1,107 73%
30 James Tatham UCF 1,100 0%
31 Asher Kozma WSC 1,098 71%
32 Andy Jenkins WSC 1,089 73%
33 Matt Clayton WSC 1,084 66%
34 Ben Czajor WSC 1,069 60%
35 Adam Boyle WSC 1,055 63%
36 Michael Mettam WSC 1,048 23%
37 Michael Aubrey UCF 1,037 70%
38 Steve Ellis UCF 1,035 71%
39 Chris Boreham WSC 1,013 0%
40 Michael Robinson WSC 1,002 72%
41 Chris Kleehammer DSC 987 0%
42 Bruce Morgan WSC 971 0%
43 Gavin Howard WSC 967 60%
43 Adam Chad UCF 967 0%
45 Doug Lean WSC 928 0%
46 Ben Robertson WSC 876 74%
47 Drew Treasure WSC 875 64%
48 Rob Fuller WSC 871 67%
49 Jeremy Burnett WSC 864 72%
50 David Jacobs WSC 857 0%
51 Asleem Amod DSC 856 0%
52 Peter Stubbs WSC 847 0%
53 Martin Shannon WSC 845 71%
54 Chris Murphy DSC 843 0%
55 Joshua Mettam WSC 839 72%
56 Brandon Green DSC 826 0%
57 Nick Westerink WSC 822 0%
58 Constantine Campbell DSC 798 0%
59 Hayden Reinke UCF 791 68%
60 Denis Mettam WSC 774 0%
61 Gerard Seaniger WSC 752 0%
62 Leon Colombo UCF 639 72%
63 Dilan Samuel DSC 586 Provisional
64 Nathan Claringbold WSC 555 73%
65 Paul Rossouw DSC 514 0%
66 Huck Steele WSC 466 81%
67 Darren Boardman DSC 404 0%
68 Paul Mellifont WSC 400 0%
69 Haseeb Ikram DSC 383 0%
Official Governing Body

Squash ACT manages this ranking list. To be included in this ranking list, you must be an active member of Squash ACT in good standing and meet the eligibility requirements for this list.