Selling additional items on tournament sign ups

  • Created : 10th December, 2016
  • Last Updated: 12th December, 2016

SportyHQ lets you add additional items for sale as part of your registration process, in addition to the event entry fees. This feature supports different types of items that might require different ways of inputting and setting amounts. For example:

  • Quantity fields, where a user can input the number of these items they would like to purchase.
  • Single item field, where the user picks if they want this item or not.
  • Open input field, where the user can input the amount they would like to set. This is useful for a donation field.

We'll go through these items on a case-by-case basis.

Getting Started

To create an additional item for sale, you'll need to click on the Sell Additional Items link under Sign-up Configuration.

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From there, click on Create Item.

Fill in the information as follows:

  • Item Name
    This is the name that will be displayed to the user on the registration form.
  • Description
    You can enter in a description of the item that described its attributes or contents.
  • Amount Type
    • Fixed Amount
      This is for an item that has a set value. For example, you may be selling T-shirts for $20 each.
      • Amount
        Enter the amount of the item.
      • Editable Quantity
        • Yes would let the user input the number of this item that they would like to purchase. You'll see that you can set a minimum and maximum quantity allowed. In our t-shirt example, you might like to let a user purchase up to 5 t-shirts. So you would enter 1 and 5 in the minimum and maximum quantity fields respectively.
          • Quantity Field
            If you set this to Single Quantity Field, then the user will have one field where they can choose the quantity of the item they would like. If you set this to Multi-value list, then the user would be able to enter a quantity based on a custom field list that you have preset. Please see the section below for more information on this.
        • No will mean that the user can only choose if they would like to purchase this item or not. They will not have an option to change the quantity. An example of this might be the option to purchase an extra dinner ticket, if your event has a social function.
    • User Defined
      This option will let the user input the amount that they would like to contribute to this item. The most common example is a donation. You can set the minimum and maximum amount allowed when you choose this option.
  • Plus Tax
    This field will add on this % amount to the value of the item. This is provided to you purely for your convenience. SportyHQ does not directly require you to field in this field, and we certainly will not withhold this amount from you. It's provided as a way for you to capture any local taxes that might apply to you.

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Once you've completed the fields, click on Submit.

After you've created all of your additional items to sell, there is one more step required before it will show on your registration page.

Add Your Additional Items to your Registration Page

Go back to your tournament's main page and click on Sign-up Page Layout under the Sign-up Configuration menu.

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Scroll down to the section with the title Additional Purchase Items and check on the items that you want to sell on the event's sign up page.

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Hit Save at the bottom of the page and you're all done. The items will now be available for purchase. Here's an example of the two items we added to our example tournament.

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Setup Multi-list Items

Multi-list items let your users pick a quantity to purchase from a list of available options. The easiest example to show is where you want to sell T-shirts and you'd like your users to be able to pick from a list of sizes.

To setup your multi-list, you first need to create a Custom Field using the Multi-list field type. For information on how to create your custom field, please read this article.

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Once you have your multi-list created, return to the Additional Items page and click Create Item.

On the Create Item page, you'll select:

  • Amount type: Fixed amount
  • Editable Quantity: Yes
  • Quantity Field: Multi Value List
  • Choose Multi-value Custom Field: Select the multi-value custom field you created.

In our example of a t-shirt option, here's what our item setup looks like:

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Once you've added the additional purchase item to your sign up page (as shown above), you'll see it appear, similar to this:

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