Whistler Haakon Squash Classic 2019
Recent Results
The Whistler May Long Weekend Tournament is Back!
Play starts Friday ends Sunday- big party Sunday night!
4-Man Exhibition featuring 2 x National Champion Shawn Delierre.
Recreational draws for all abilities.
There will be so much more than just Squash to get involved in so bring your non-squash playing friends and have an amazing time.
* Squash Tournament,
* As usual, we have free beer all weekend at the courts,
* VIP access to a few night clubs,
* Saturday Morning at 10 am Road Cycling ride starting from Mountain Square, or
* A run around Lost Lake starting at 9am, or
* Yoga, on Saturday and Sunday from 9 am - 10 am,
* Axe throwing in Olympic Plaza on Saturday and Sunday,
* There will be free concerts in the village,
* Learn how to DJ between Noon and 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday,
* Sailing Clinics on Saturday and Sunday,
* Scavenger Hunt,
* Standup Paddle Boarding on Saturday and Sunday
* An all British Car Show on Sunday,
* An adventure film series in the Village from the Film Festival, and
* Street Entertainment in the Village
A few of these additional events will have an extra charge so to find out fees visit greatoutdoorsfest.com. Also, we will have a very special app launch by ActivScout at our tournament. ActivScout is looking to generate 10 Million new squash players over 10 years. Check out their presentation at the tournament and see how they plan to radically grow the sport of squash. Sign-up for the tournament early because it will sell out.
Play starts Friday ends Sunday- big party Sunday night!
4-Man Exhibition featuring 2 x National Champion Shawn Delierre.
Recreational draws for all abilities.
There will be so much more than just Squash to get involved in so bring your non-squash playing friends and have an amazing time.
* Squash Tournament,
* As usual, we have free beer all weekend at the courts,
* VIP access to a few night clubs,
* Saturday Morning at 10 am Road Cycling ride starting from Mountain Square, or
* A run around Lost Lake starting at 9am, or
* Yoga, on Saturday and Sunday from 9 am - 10 am,
* Axe throwing in Olympic Plaza on Saturday and Sunday,
* There will be free concerts in the village,
* Learn how to DJ between Noon and 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday,
* Sailing Clinics on Saturday and Sunday,
* Scavenger Hunt,
* Standup Paddle Boarding on Saturday and Sunday
* An all British Car Show on Sunday,
* An adventure film series in the Village from the Film Festival, and
* Street Entertainment in the Village
A few of these additional events will have an extra charge so to find out fees visit greatoutdoorsfest.com. Also, we will have a very special app launch by ActivScout at our tournament. ActivScout is looking to generate 10 Million new squash players over 10 years. Check out their presentation at the tournament and see how they plan to radically grow the sport of squash. Sign-up for the tournament early because it will sell out.
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What a great event! Kudos to Rob, Ben and the rest of the crew for putting on a great event.

Where & When
Fri, May 17th 2019
Sun, May 19th 2019
Sat, May 11th 2019 10:00pm
Meadow Park Recreation Center
8625 Highway 99Whistler, British Columbia V8E 0X5
Sanctioned Event
Tournament Officials
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