Summer Fun Singles & Doubles Tournament 2019
24th Jun, 2019 - Pictures are now online.. Thank You to everyone that played and congrats to all the winners and finalists! And another shout out to our sponsors! Petit AmiAdvineturesCan-Resource EnterprisesSteamworks Brewery & Hugh Woolley & Gary Evans
4th Jun, 2019 - The Summer Fun Singles & Doubles Tournament is coming along nicely. Entry deadline is June 16. The tournament has now upgraded their tournament souviner to a t-shirt. Entires are limited. Sign up now. Thank you to all main sponsors. Petit AmiAdvineturesCan-Resource EnterprisesHugh Wooley & Steelworks Brewery
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Singles)
Squash (Doubles)
Squash (Singles)
Men's & Women's Open , A , B , C , Novice & Doubles Men's & Women's, A , B , C , Mix A, B, and Juniors Under 19.
Cost $29 ($15 extra for 2nd event)
Entry includes prizes, Steamworks beer, tournament souvenir shirt, entry into the $500 Lighting Round, and guaranteed two matches.
*Please note. Tournament T-Shirt have run out and all new entries won't receive a shirt. However, there is a $10 discount.Tournament will feature a $500 'Lighting Round Tournament' where games are only played to one point. Anyone can win! Saturday at 6pm.
Entry deadline: June 16
Out of town players start Friday.
Locals might have to start Thursday after 5pm.
Limited number of entries per draw. Some draws might be combined.
THANK YOU to our tournament sponsors:
Petit Ami
Can-Resource Enterprises
Steamworks Brewery

1630 W 15th AveVancouver, British Columbia V6J 2K7