2020 Squash ACT Spring Pennant

Recent Results
Squash ACT invites you to play in the 2020 Spring Pennant Tournament.

The competition will run for 10 weeks from Tuesday 29 September until Thursday 3 December.

Unlike prior Pennants which have been Team based, this Pennant features Divisional mini-Leagues usually of 8 players who will play against one-another in a round-robin fashion over 10 weeks. This format has proven popular for the Premier Leagues and is being extended to all Divisions.

Mini-Leagues will each be scheduled on two courts at once and usually start at 6.30pm or 8pm, with another mini-League likely scheduled at the alternate time.

This means you will have to get to squash promptly each night to play or to ref on-time, and because there will be two matches on-court at once you will have a much shorter night !

Entries through your Squash ACT Club Reps have now Closed, and the Draws are being finalised.
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Jonathon Thorpe
24 May 2022
1 2 3 4 5   Overall Experience
Well run. Thank you
1 2 3 4 5   Value for Money
1 2 3 4 5   Club Facilities
1 2 3 4 5   Communication
1 2 3 4 5   Atmosphere
1 2 3 4 5   Level of Competition

Danny Castro
28 May 2021
1 2 3 4 5   Overall Experience
From the players:
Very low communicating skills, they did not speak out for us the current players could help them specifically: Aaron Fuller in Division 7 group "B"
From the committee /organization:
Very low level of communicating with the players, they did not look communicate in writing with the rest of the players to let us know the situation. I find out that by myself 1 hours before play Aaron Fuller has reserving player Mr. Kingsley,
1 2 3 4 5   Value for Money
1 2 3 4 5   Club Facilities
1 2 3 4 5   Communication
1 2 3 4 5   Atmosphere
1 2 3 4 5   Level of Competition
Where & When
Tue 29th Sep, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 30th Sep, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 1st Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 6th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 7th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 8th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 13th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 14th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 15th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 20th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 21st Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 22nd Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 27th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 28th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 29th Oct, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 3rd Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 4th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 5th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 10th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 11th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 12th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 17th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 18th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 19th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 24th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 25th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 26th Nov, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Tue 1st Dec, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Wed 2nd Dec, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm
Thu 3rd Dec, 2020
6:30pm to 11:10pm

Tue, Sep 22nd 2020 8:00pm

4 Launceston St
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2606

UC Fit! ( UCF )
Building 4, University of Canberra, Allawoona St
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2617

McBryde Crescent
Wanniassa, Australian Capital Territory 2903

79 Dickson Place
Dickson, Australian Capital Territory 2612

Q One Indoor Sports
1 Yass Road
Queanbeyan, New South Wales 2620
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash ACT sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Doug Lean

Dickson, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Michael Nuttall

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Russell Weatherburn

CHISHOLM, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Doug Rogan

Murrumbateman, New South Wales, Australia

Leanna Davey

Dickson, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Tessa Quill

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Michael Aubrey

Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Richard O'Rourke

Australian Capital Territory, Australia
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