2020 Moora Squash Classic
Recent Results
Division 1

Division 2

Division 1
[4] Shaun Purslow (WA)
[5] Kenneth Mascarenhas (WA)
11-8, 10-12, 7-11, 11-8, 11-6
Division 1

Division 2

Division 2

Division 3
[1] Celia Culverwell (WA)
[2] Keiran Sullivan (WA)
11-6, 11-6, 11-4

Division 3

Division 4

Division 4

Moora Squash Club would like to welcome you to the 2nd annual 2020 Moora Squash Classic, ability based, mixed divisions tournament!
The event will be from Fri 13th to Sun 15th of March 2020.
There will be a minimum of 2 matches with 3 matches the aim and all levels are welcome.
We plan to be running 6 Mixed Divisions.
Buffet style dinner on Saturday night $15pp
Moora Shirt with customized name on the back available to order until 31 January 2020 to ensure delivery by the tournament $55 each, please notify us the name and size you want.
Breakfast to purchase on Sunday morning at the center, please notify us on Saturday if you want breakfast and we will ensure we cater for you.
Please contact Jarrad on 0438 960 724 for more info or if you are having trouble entering.
1. RULES: The tournament will be played under WSF Rules, WA Squash Tournament By-Laws and, where relevant, WA Squash Pennant By-Laws.
2. CLOTHING: Clothing as provided for in the WA Squash Tournament Clothing Regulations is to be worn.
3. PAYMENT: Players will not be permitted to play until their entry fee is paid. They must also be a registered player with WA Squash.
4. PLAYING TIMES: All players must be available to play from 5.30pm Friday and at any other time specified during the Tournament. First round times will be available from Moora Squash Club two days prior to the tournament commencing. It is the player's responsibility to establish the time and date of their first and subsequent matches.
5. THE DRAW: All draws shall utilize a Swiss Draw format (Aiming for 8 person draws) except where entries are less than 7 in which case a round robin draw may be used.
6. BALLS: Dunlop Double Yellow dot balls will be used for all Divisions.
7. SCORING: All matches shall consist of the best of five games, with PAR11 scoring used. Players are guaranteed a minimum of 3 matches.
8. REFEREEING: Players are required to mark/referee the match after their match as directed by the Tournament Director or Tournament Referee.
9. PRESENTATIONS: All players receiving prizes shall attend the presentation ceremony on Sunday afternoon. Any player not attending must make collection arrangements with the tournament organisers or may forfeit their award.
10. WITHDRAWALS: A player may not withdraw his/her entry a tournament after the draw has been completed. Any withdrawal will require the tournament fee to be paid. Tournament organisers must be notified immediately of any withdrawal and the reason for such withdrawal.
11. The tournament organisers, WA Squash and it’s officers, employees or agents shall not be liable for any death or personal injury or loss or damage to property sustained or incurred by any person in connection with the tournament howsoever caused.
12. The Tournament Director reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry, disqualify any player for late arrival or misconduct, combine events, alter match times, and vary conditions of play.
13. Players entering the tournament agree to:
• Refrain from any conduct which would bring the sport into disrepute.
• Abide by the Regulations and Policies of Squash Australia
• Comply with the reasonable directions of tournament officials.
• No alcohol is to be consumed by any junior.
• Irrespective of age, not to consume any prohibited drugs. Any player found to be under the influence of any prohibited drug during the tournament will be in breach of these conditions.
• Participate in any random drug testing conducted by the appropriate authority.
• The player is to be registered and an insured member with their Club/State or country of origin.
• Eyewear is compulsory for all juniors, aged 19 and under.
Please indicate to the Tournament Director below if you DO NOT give permission for photographic images of the player to be used by Moora Squash Club.
Ranking Impact: 1.00x multiplier
The event will be from Fri 13th to Sun 15th of March 2020.
There will be a minimum of 2 matches with 3 matches the aim and all levels are welcome.
We plan to be running 6 Mixed Divisions.
Buffet style dinner on Saturday night $15pp
Moora Shirt with customized name on the back available to order until 31 January 2020 to ensure delivery by the tournament $55 each, please notify us the name and size you want.
Breakfast to purchase on Sunday morning at the center, please notify us on Saturday if you want breakfast and we will ensure we cater for you.
Please contact Jarrad on 0438 960 724 for more info or if you are having trouble entering.
1. RULES: The tournament will be played under WSF Rules, WA Squash Tournament By-Laws and, where relevant, WA Squash Pennant By-Laws.
2. CLOTHING: Clothing as provided for in the WA Squash Tournament Clothing Regulations is to be worn.
3. PAYMENT: Players will not be permitted to play until their entry fee is paid. They must also be a registered player with WA Squash.
4. PLAYING TIMES: All players must be available to play from 5.30pm Friday and at any other time specified during the Tournament. First round times will be available from Moora Squash Club two days prior to the tournament commencing. It is the player's responsibility to establish the time and date of their first and subsequent matches.
5. THE DRAW: All draws shall utilize a Swiss Draw format (Aiming for 8 person draws) except where entries are less than 7 in which case a round robin draw may be used.
6. BALLS: Dunlop Double Yellow dot balls will be used for all Divisions.
7. SCORING: All matches shall consist of the best of five games, with PAR11 scoring used. Players are guaranteed a minimum of 3 matches.
8. REFEREEING: Players are required to mark/referee the match after their match as directed by the Tournament Director or Tournament Referee.
9. PRESENTATIONS: All players receiving prizes shall attend the presentation ceremony on Sunday afternoon. Any player not attending must make collection arrangements with the tournament organisers or may forfeit their award.
10. WITHDRAWALS: A player may not withdraw his/her entry a tournament after the draw has been completed. Any withdrawal will require the tournament fee to be paid. Tournament organisers must be notified immediately of any withdrawal and the reason for such withdrawal.
11. The tournament organisers, WA Squash and it’s officers, employees or agents shall not be liable for any death or personal injury or loss or damage to property sustained or incurred by any person in connection with the tournament howsoever caused.
12. The Tournament Director reserves the right to accept or refuse any entry, disqualify any player for late arrival or misconduct, combine events, alter match times, and vary conditions of play.
13. Players entering the tournament agree to:
• Refrain from any conduct which would bring the sport into disrepute.
• Abide by the Regulations and Policies of Squash Australia
• Comply with the reasonable directions of tournament officials.
• No alcohol is to be consumed by any junior.
• Irrespective of age, not to consume any prohibited drugs. Any player found to be under the influence of any prohibited drug during the tournament will be in breach of these conditions.
• Participate in any random drug testing conducted by the appropriate authority.
• The player is to be registered and an insured member with their Club/State or country of origin.
• Eyewear is compulsory for all juniors, aged 19 and under.
Please indicate to the Tournament Director below if you DO NOT give permission for photographic images of the player to be used by Moora Squash Club.
Ranking Impact: 1.00x multiplier
Photo Stream
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Where & When
Fri, Mar 13th 2020
Sun, Mar 15th 2020
Wed, Mar 11th 2020 5:00pm
Moora Squash Club
Roberts RdMoora, Western Australia 6510
Sanctioned Event
This is a non- sanctioned event.
Tournament Officials
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