2018 Squash BC University Championships

Recent Results
**** For out of town players you can sign-up online by entering the code 62205 into the search bar at this link:
https://onlineca.activecommunities.com/VikesReg/Start/Start.asp ****

Hey everyone! The Squash BC Uni Champs are going on March 9-11 at our beautiful UVic courts! This tournament is for all skill levels, including brand new players!

For $30 you get 3-4 matches, Tournament entry package, Friday night pizza, and a social night on the Saturday! There will also be prizes too.....

We also are planning on playing some fun squash style games during the tournament too that will include doubles, lives, storm the fort.....the list goes on! If you don't know what these games are, get ready for the time of your life!

Make sure to sign-up at the CARSA front desk by March 6th! Invite your beginner and experienced squash friends out too!

If you have any questions please contact Ian Sefton at iansefton@hotmail.ca

**** For out of town players you can sign-up online by entering the code 62205 into the search bar at this link:
https://onlineca.activecommunities.com/VikesReg/Start/Start.asp ****
Photo Stream
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Where & When
Fri, Mar 9th 2018
Sun, Mar 11th 2018
Tue, Mar 6th 2018 10:45pm

2201 McKenzie Ave.
McKenzie Ave & Gabriola Rd. CARSA Building
Victoria, British Columbia V8T 5C2
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash BC sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Ian Sefton

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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