Jasper Stokoe
Jasper Stokoe

Tanunda, South Australia, Australia


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Jasper's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Men's Combined Squash Australia Custom 231 2035 109
Club Rankings Barossa Valley Squash Club (at the Rex) 16 162 1,048
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Jasper's fans

D'Artagnan Molineux

Tanunda, South Australia, Australia

Damian Molineux

Tanunda, South Australia, Australia

Kirsty Stokoe

Tanunda , South Australia, Australia

Finlay Watson

Whyalla, South Australia, Australia
Jasper is a fan of...

Bradley Sim

INGLE FARM, South Australia, Australia

Finlay Watson

Whyalla, South Australia, Australia

Chao Yi Wong

South Australia, Australia
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