Brett Anderson
Brett Anderson

Rossland, British Columbia, Canada


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Affiliated Clubs
Date Against System Result SportyHQ Rating Opp. Rating
9 Apr, 2022

Sebastian Motora

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 2-3 795 0 1023 0
9 Apr, 2022

Max Wong

British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 0-3 795 0 978 0
8 Apr, 2022

Taylor McFadyen

West Kelowna , British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 0-3 795 0 1057 0
14 Mar, 2020

Gerry Weber

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 0-3 795 -1 827 +1
11 Mar, 2020

Raj Sidhu

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-1 796 +4 778 -4
27 Feb, 2020 Par 11, Best of 5 3-2 792 +6 789 -6
26 Feb, 2020

Max Baessato

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-2 786 +9 806 -10
30 Jan, 2020

Tomer Curiel

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 2-3 777 -1 825 +1
27 Jan, 2020 Par 11, Best of 5 1-3 778 -10 767 +8
23 Jan, 2020

Dave Waterman

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-2 788 +30 856 -10
5 Dec, 2019 Par 11, Best of 5 3-2 758 +1 716 -1
2 Dec, 2019

Bradley Milne

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 1-3 757 +2 870 0
28 Nov, 2019

Tomer Curiel

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-0 755 +30 822 -10
9 Nov, 2019

Joshua de Guzman

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-0 Default N/A Provisional
8 Nov, 2019

Raj Sidhu

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 1-3 Provisional N/A
30 Oct, 2019

Patti Gies

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 2-3 Provisional N/A
23 Oct, 2019

James Pierzchalski

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-1 Provisional N/A
2 Oct, 2019

Joshua de Guzman

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-2 Provisional Provisional
1 Oct, 2019

Ricky Lai

Burnaby, Canada
Par 11, Best of 5 3-0 Default Provisional N/A

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