Alexander  Strydom
Alexander Strydom

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

  • Sport:
  • Tennis (Singles)

SportyHQ Rating


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Alexander 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 1891 1980 3,130
BS 12 Tennis South Africa Custom 288 331 3,130
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 1426 1511 3,130
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 1955 2036 3,130
BS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 539 657 3,130
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 1004 1087 3,130
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 1350 1415 3,130
Boys U12 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 297 332 3,130
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Tineka Strydom

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
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Tineka Strydom

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
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