Cavaliers Mini Series 2 on 22&23 May

Cavaliers Mini Series 2 on 22&23 May

Posted on 21st May 2021, 12:00am

Players note some important arrangements for playing in this event:

  1. All players should report at their venues no more than 15mins before the match time, with a mask on and your own sanitizer in your bag, with full adherence to Covid distancing protocols.
  2. Players will have their temperatures taken at an entrance checkpoint and, unless you've already completed these forms online, you must present the following forms to the official in charge of the venue: a) the TSA Player indemnity form  and b) the TSA athletes daily screening form. Without completed & signed forms in your hand, or having completed them online, no player will be allowed to compete.  These forms can be downloaded on the links provided below. Please load these links below onto you cellphone so you can complete the forms online from anywhere.  Note that a newly completed TSA athletes daily screening form (in paper or done online) must be presented again for the second day of the event.
  3. Players are encouraged to bring their own water and eats along.
  4. Covid regulations stipulate that players must leave the venue after completing their matches.
  5. No parents, family or coaches will be allowed on-site (not in the parking lot either) to observe any matches at Paul Roos or Somerset College (these are Dept of Education and School rules). No parents/coaches will be allowed to make use of the venue bathrooms at these schools either.  TSA Player +1 Covid rules will apply at Strand Tennis Club and at Somerset West Country Club.  Don't try to abuse our officials/rules, code of conduct will apply for anyone not adhering to these rules.
  6. Warm-up at venues will be allowed until 7h45 only, then all players must leave the venue to re-enter through the proper Covid protocols/checkpoint in place.


TSA indemnity form link:

TSA Athletes screening form link: 

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