Sandpits vs. Taylor Range 1
Sandpits Taylor Range 1

Jack Hansen

Shorncliffe, Queensland, Australia
3 - 0
11-5, 11-3, 11-7

Tony Anderson

The Gap, Queensland, Australia

Isis Knight

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
1 - 3
6-11, 11-8, 9-11, 6-11

Patrick O'Sullivan

Queensland, Australia

Saige Lawson

Queensland, Australia
0 - 3
8-11, 6-11, 5-11

Trevor Bell

The Gap, Queensland, Australia
4 Match Not Played
Match Not Played
Matches Won 1 2
Games Won 4 6
Game Points Won 84 89
Penalty Points 0 0
Bonus Points 0 4.00
Total 6 13