Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Sean Ackaert 6 6 100.00
2 Luke Twigg 1 1 100.00
3 Nathan Turnbull 15 16 93.75
4 Jack Hansen 14 15 93.33
5 Trevor Bell 5 6 83.33
6 Peter Seckold 9 12 75.00
7 Michael Mead 6 8 75.00
8 Alex Busteed 3 4 75.00
9 Cameron Colquhoun 5 7 71.43
10 David Johnston 2 3 66.67
10 Lee Molkentin 2 3 66.67
12 Zane Wolpers 7 11 63.64
13 Mark Jones 8 13 61.54
13 Lachlan Smith 8 13 61.54
15 Ahmed Elmenshawy 3 5 60.00
16 Gareth Steel 8 14 57.14
17 Mike Healy 9 16 56.25
18 Alan Jones 5 9 55.56
18 Nathan Wilson 5 9 55.56
20 Patrick O'Sullivan 4 8 50.00
21 Kirsty Knight 3 6 50.00
22 Grant Clayton 2 4 50.00
22 Bruno Carrillo 2 4 50.00
22 Denzil Cross 2 4 50.00
25 Peter Robbins 1 2 50.00
25 Doug Vickery 1 2 50.00
27 Eric Pease 6 13 46.15
28 Tony Anderson 4 9 44.44
29 Dave Cooper 3 7 42.86
29 Andrew Culpeper 3 7 42.86
31 Bruce Kingston 5 13 38.46
32 Sue Williams 3 8 37.50
33 Lilly Wilson 6 17 35.29
34 Zach Taylor 4 13 30.77
35 Mark Holland 3 10 30.00
36 Steve Adnams 2 7 28.57
37 Grace Commons 3 11 27.27
38 Zen Clohessy 5 19 26.32
39 Isis Knight 4 16 25.00
40 Saige Lawson 1 18 5.56
41 Clinton Moyler 0 2 0.00
42 Rob Coulstock 0 1 0.00
42 Chris van de Sande 0 1 0.00
42 Wayne Trench 0 1 0.00
42 Simon Commons 0 1 0.00
42 Tim Oxley 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Nathan Turnbull 1750
2 Jack Hansen 1638
3 Sean Ackaert 1611
4 Wayne Trench 1582
5 Eric Pease 1571
6 Cameron Colquhoun 1561
7 Alan Jones 1517
8 Dave Cooper 1516
9 Michael Mead 1515
10 Zane Wolpers 1485
11 Mark Holland 1451
12 Tony Anderson 1449
13 Doug Vickery 1432
14 Ahmed Elmenshawy 1410
15 Grant Clayton 1406
16 Denzil Cross 1405
17 Zach Taylor 1400
17 Bruce Kingston 1400
19 Bruno Carrillo 1396
20 Patrick O'Sullivan 1389
21 Gareth Steel 1383
21 Kirsty Knight 1383
23 Zen Clohessy 1374
24 Mark Jones 1362
25 Lee Molkentin 1361
26 Alex Busteed 1354
27 Mike Healy 1349
28 Nathan Wilson 1339
29 Chris van de Sande 1331
30 Trevor Bell 1319
31 Lachlan Smith 1310
32 Peter Seckold 1305
33 David Johnston 1304
34 Sue Williams 1301
35 Lilly Wilson 1280
36 Clinton Moyler 1270
36 Tim Oxley 1270
38 Luke Twigg 1265
39 Isis Knight 1253
40 Steve Adnams 1249
41 Simon Commons 1232
42 Rob Coulstock 1227
43 Saige Lawson 1222
44 Peter Robbins 1213
45 Grace Commons 1209
46 Andrew Culpeper 1201
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Sean Ackaert 100.00 6 0
2 Michael Mead 100.00 4 0
3 Mike Healy 100.00 6 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Peter Seckold 4 6 66.67
2 Mark Jones 2 4 50.00
3 Ahmed Elmenshawy 1 2 50.00
3 Jack Hansen 1 2 50.00
3 Peter Robbins 1 2 50.00
3 Alex Busteed 1 2 50.00
3 Trevor Bell 1 2 50.00
8 Lachlan Smith 2 5 40.00
9 Gareth Steel 3 9 33.33
10 Zen Clohessy 5 17 29.41
11 Lilly Wilson 4 15 26.67
12 Dave Cooper 1 4 25.00
12 Sue Williams 1 4 25.00
14 Grace Commons 2 9 22.22
15 Isis Knight 3 15 20.00
16 Zane Wolpers 1 5 20.00
16 Andrew Culpeper 1 5 20.00
18 Mike Healy 1 6 16.67
19 Eric Pease 1 8 12.50
19 Mark Holland 1 8 12.50
19 Zach Taylor 1 8 12.50
22 Saige Lawson 1 16 6.25
23 Bruce Kingston 5 0.00
24 Alan Jones 3 0.00
24 Patrick O'Sullivan 3 0.00
24 Steve Adnams 3 0.00
24 Tony Anderson 3 0.00
28 Grant Clayton 2 0.00
28 Nathan Wilson 2 0.00
28 Michael Mead 2 0.00
28 Bruno Carrillo 2 0.00
32 Cameron Colquhoun 1 0.00
32 Rob Coulstock 1 0.00
32 Chris van de Sande 1 0.00
32 Wayne Trench 1 0.00
32 Lee Molkentin 1 0.00
32 Doug Vickery 1 0.00
32 Simon Commons 1 0.00
32 Tim Oxley 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Peter Robbins 980 1213 233
2 Zen Clohessy 1204 1374 170
3 Lilly Wilson 1165 1280 115
4 Isis Knight 1177 1253 76
5 Jack Hansen 1583 1638 55
6 Chris van de Sande 1281 1331 50
7 Grace Commons 1166 1209 43
8 Alan Jones 1485 1517 32
9 Peter Seckold 1279 1305 26
10 Gareth Steel 1358 1383 25
11 Andrew Culpeper 1180 1201 21
12 Mark Jones 1343 1362 19
13 Sue Williams 1283 1301 18
14 Zane Wolpers 1468 1485 17
15 Eric Pease 1555 1571 16
16 Saige Lawson 1207 1222 15
17 Wayne Trench 1567 1582 15
18 Bruno Carrillo 1384 1396 12
19 Trevor Bell 1309 1319 10
20 Sean Ackaert 1603 1611 8
21 Ahmed Elmenshawy 1402 1410 8
22 Bruce Kingston 1397 1400 3
23 Grant Clayton 1406 1406 0
24 Lee Molkentin 1361 1361 0
25 Mark Holland 1454 1451 -3
26 Cameron Colquhoun 1565 1561 -4
27 Doug Vickery 1436 1432 -4
28 Luke Twigg 1269 1265 -4
29 David Johnston 1309 1304 -5
30 Tim Oxley 1277 1270 -7
31 Michael Mead 1523 1515 -8
32 Zach Taylor 1409 1400 -9
33 Lachlan Smith 1322 1310 -12
34 Mike Healy 1362 1349 -13
35 Patrick O'Sullivan 1402 1389 -13
36 Tony Anderson 1464 1449 -15
37 Steve Adnams 1264 1249 -15
38 Alex Busteed 1370 1354 -16
39 Simon Commons 1248 1232 -16
40 Denzil Cross 1422 1405 -17
41 Nathan Turnbull 1770 1750 -20
42 Nathan Wilson 1359 1339 -20
43 Clinton Moyler 1290 1270 -20
44 Rob Coulstock 1247 1227 -20
45 Kirsty Knight 1404 1383 -21
46 Dave Cooper 1545 1516 -29
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Clinton Moyler 2 2 100.00
2 Rob Coulstock 1 1 100.00
2 Chris van de Sande 1 1 100.00
2 Wayne Trench 1 1 100.00
2 Simon Commons 1 1 100.00
2 Tim Oxley 1 1 100.00
7 Saige Lawson 17 18 94.44
8 Isis Knight 12 16 75.00
9 Zen Clohessy 14 19 73.68
10 Grace Commons 8 11 72.73
11 Steve Adnams 5 7 71.43
12 Mark Holland 7 10 70.00
13 Zach Taylor 9 13 69.23
14 Lilly Wilson 11 17 64.71
15 Sue Williams 5 8 62.50
16 Bruce Kingston 8 13 61.54
17 Dave Cooper 4 7 57.14
17 Andrew Culpeper 4 7 57.14
19 Tony Anderson 5 9 55.56
20 Eric Pease 7 13 53.85
21 Patrick O'Sullivan 4 8 50.00
22 Kirsty Knight 3 6 50.00
23 Grant Clayton 2 4 50.00
23 Bruno Carrillo 2 4 50.00
23 Denzil Cross 2 4 50.00
26 Peter Robbins 1 2 50.00
26 Doug Vickery 1 2 50.00
28 Alan Jones 4 9 44.44
28 Nathan Wilson 4 9 44.44
30 Mike Healy 7 16 43.75
31 Gareth Steel 6 14 42.86
32 Ahmed Elmenshawy 2 5 40.00
33 Mark Jones 5 13 38.46
33 Lachlan Smith 5 13 38.46
35 Zane Wolpers 4 11 36.36
36 David Johnston 1 3 33.33
36 Lee Molkentin 1 3 33.33
38 Cameron Colquhoun 2 7 28.57
39 Peter Seckold 3 12 25.00
40 Michael Mead 2 8 25.00
41 Alex Busteed 1 4 25.00
42 Trevor Bell 1 6 16.67
43 Jack Hansen 1 15 6.67
44 Nathan Turnbull 1 16 6.25
45 Sean Ackaert 0 6 0.00
46 Luke Twigg 0 1 0.00